Buddhist Attitudes Toward DeathAccording to Buddhist belief, the worldview of Siddhārtha Gautama was transformed when he came upon a sick man, an old man, a dead man, and a man that renounced the world. Seeing these men shocked the Buddha into re-appraising the passage of life and the searching for freedom from the unceasing cycle of death and rebirth, samsara. Indeed ever since, Buddhism has considered old age, ill health, and death to be inherent aspects of life with death a mere separation of consciousness from the world of ignorance and desire.
Williams, Victoria. "Buddhist Attitudes Toward Death, Buddhism." Celebrating Life Customs around the World: From Baby Showers to Funerals, vol. 3: Aging and Death, ABC-CLIO, 2017, pp. 18-21. Gale eBooks, https://ezproxy.ecc.edu:3555/apps/doc/CX7122200305/GVRL?u=erieccn_main&sid=GVRL&xid=f035f40c. Accessed 4 Sept. 2020.