Comic-Con International: San Diego is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular artforms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.
The Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards are considered the “Oscars” of the comics world. Named for the pioneering comics creator and graphic novelist Will Eisner, the awards are given out in more than two dozen categories during a ceremony each year at Comic-Con International: San Diego.
As the name implies, Free Comic Book Day is a single day when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their shops. Free Comic Book Day is held the first Saturday in May each year.
GoComics, from Universal Uclick, is home to many of the most popular comics and cartoons in the world. is the web's largest catalog of syndicated newspaper strips and web comics, offering new, fresh and free content every day.
WCGNN, an e-paper with updates, previews, fanfic, art, reviews...much more on various Comics, Graphic Novels & related projects from all over the world. Published by Freelance Talents in association with Indian Comics Fandom.