"An identity category that refers to the cultural characteristics associated with being a man. That is, masculinity is a discursive-performative construction that describes and disciplines the cultural meaning of being a man. Masculinity is not an essential quality of embodied subjects but a matter of representation, that is, masculinity is constituted by ways of speaking about and disciplining bodies. As such, masculinity is a site of continual political struggle over meaning in the context of multiple modes of being a man."
"Masculinity." The Sage Dictionary of Cultural Studies, Chris Barker, Sage UK, 1st edition, 2004. Credo Reference, https://ezproxy.ecc.edu:2443/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/sageukcult/masculinity/0?institutionId=2669. Accessed 08 Apr. 2019.