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SUNY Erie Library Resource Center

English Rojas

This guide focuses on the courses taught by Professor Rojas. EN 100, EN 101 and EN 102.


Welcome to the libguide for English courses taught by Professor Rojas.

  • What is a libguide? 
    • A libguide is short for a "Library Guide." 
    • A libguide is a collection of resources that can be subject specific to a course or assignment. 
  • How to use a guide?
    • For this guide there are three tabs, one for each course Professor Rojas teaches. 
      • EN 100: Composition 1: Rhetorical Strategies 
      • EN 101: Composition for the Humanities
      • EN 102: Composition for the STEM Disciplines
    • Select the tab for your respective course and use the available resources on page. 
  • Why use a libguide?
    • A guide's collection of resources are preselected for your course.
      • meaning: out of the 70+ databases this guide will highlight the databases that are specific to your course. 
    • Citations??
      • With each course has a slightly different requirement, each guide will have course specific information. 

Helpful Library Links

Library Home page

Primo (Library discovery search tool)

Complete Database List

Library Guides (Libguide) list

Citation Resources: APA (American Psychological Association)

Citation Resources: MLA (Modern Language Association)

Get additional help with MLA Style, APA Style, and proofreading your writing from a 

SUNY Erie English Skills Center tutor.

North Campus: Library, room D102A, phone 716-851-1582
South Campus: Room 4212, phone 716-851-1762
City Campus: Room 360, phone 716-851-1060

To request online tutoring email:

View all the walk-in and online tutoring schedules

[Guide originally created by Jeremy Lyman, 2020]

Librarian - Justin Cronise

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Justin Cronise