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SUNY Erie Library Resource Center

English Rojas

This guide focuses on the courses taught by Professor Rojas. EN 100, EN 101 and EN 102.

Using Primo


Library Resources/Databases


** Remember that a Database is: A specific collection of information. **


Anatomy of a Scholarly Article - from Trocaire College - SCHOLARLY ARTICLE INFOGRAPHIC

Evaluating Information 

Evaluating Information - The CRAAP Test - California State University, Chico 

When you search for information, you're going to find lots of it . . . but is it good information? You will
have to determine that for yourself, and the CRAAP Test can help. The CRAAP Test is a list of questions to
help you evaluate the information you find. Different criteria will be more or less important depending on
your situation or need.

Identifying Scholarly Articles 

Peer-Reviewed Articles - From San Diego State University - What is a scholarly journal?



Topic Selection 

Get additional help with MLA Style, APA Style, and proofreading your writing from a 

SUNY Erie English Skills Center tutor.

North Campus: Library, room D102A, phone 716-851-1582
South Campus: Room 4212, phone 716-851-1762
City Campus: Room 360, phone 716-851-1060

To request online tutoring email:

View all the walk-in and online tutoring schedules

[Guide originally created by Jeremy Lyman, 2020]

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