Related SUNY Erie academic program: Occupational Therapy Assistant
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Welcome to the library's Research Guide for Occupational Therapy Assistants. This guide offers subject-specific sources available via the SUNY Erie library in print and electronic format to assist in locating credible, quality resources to support your research.
Books: Physical books in the collection, Ebooks, Reference books, Anatomy resources
Articles: Articles in subject-specific databases, journals, general information about peer-reviewed publications
Streaming Videos: Library's online video collection
Evidence-Based Practice: Online and library resources pertaining to accessing and understanding EBP
Transcultural Health Care: Assist health care providers overcome cultural differences that may create communication obstacles
College Research Paper: Tips and resources to help you understand how college research papers are prepared
Writing & Citing: APA citation, information for help with writing
Web Resources: OTA and general health related websites, consumer health information, professional organizations, career guides, licensure