The purpose of this page is to serve as a starting point for writing a research paper at the college level. It is not intended to circumvent or bypass specific instructions provided by teachers and professors in your classes. The best place to find information on how to write a research paper is in the class syllabus, research paper assignment, and assignment rubric. The final authority on whether or not your paper is written correctly and well is your teacher or professor.
Many papers and assignments for classes in the health sciences have subject-specific criteria to meet the requirements of the assignment. Some examples of health sciences-related assignments: research papers on a certain topic in the field, creation of patient education information on different diseases or treatment options, etc. The approach from a writing and research perspective do not change from the basic steps outlined below. However there are some things to consider when approaching a health sciences-related assignment.
The key steps when it comes to health sciences-related assignments:
The outline does not need to be comprehensive. Rather it should serve to keep you on track as you begin writing. All writing assignments are different, so you will need to adapt the following to the design of your paper:
Writing in the Health Sciences: a comprehensive guide published by the University of Toronto
This publication contains individual guides that offer advice and strategies for undergraduate writers in the health sciences.
Subjects include, but are not limited to:
Purdue OWL Healthcare Writing guide will help you write in healthcare and/or scientific contexts. Subjects include but are not limited to: