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SUNY Erie Library Resource Center

Cultural Anthropology

Resources for AN102 Cultural Anthropology, Dr. Monique Fortunato


Articles are great resources for research. Before you begin, make sure you know:

Use the databases to search for articles on your topic.


Here are some suggested databases:

Fisherman in Papua New Guinea. From the Collections of the National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution

Search tips

Too few articles
  • Check for spelling errors or typos
  • Use subject headings or keywords, do not use long phrases
  • Try using synonyms or utilize Boolean operator “OR” to search similar concepts (For example, Native americans OR Indians of North America)
  • If you have a good source, look at its subject headings or keywords to get search ideas for related articles
Too many articles
  • Add another aspect to your search using Boolean operator “AND” (For example, Trobriand Islanders AND Social life & customs)
  • Add limits, such as full-text, peer-reviewed, and date range

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How to Identify Scholarly Articles