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Please keep in mind that the efficacy of each platform is not consistent. No one platform is 100% foolproof. Sources are listed in alphabetical order. Many of these are free but simply require you to set up an account. But yes - some only allow a free trial period.
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Sneak preview of Turnitin’s AI writing and ChatGPT detection capability
While ChatGPT cannot be used to detect AI-generated writing, a rush of technology companies are selling software they claim can analyze essays to detect such text. But accurate detection is very difficult, according to educational technology experts, forcing American educators into a pickle: adapt to the technology or make futile attempts to limit the ways it’s used.
In this paper, both empirically and theoretically, we show that these detectors are not reliable in practical scenarios.
AI text detectors: a stairway to heaven or hell? | Times Higher Education
Reliably detecting AI-generated text is mathematically impossible | New Scientist